This walk covers the issue of food industry
surrounding Blacksburg during the late night hour. The instant
gratification generation society has had a large influence on how food
access is viewed and this is especially true surrounding a college
campus. As you explore this walk will ponder questions about the entire
industry, with both the worker and customer in mind. The development of
the late night industry has had such a large effect on the way we live
our lives, this walk discovers where we came from in Blacksburg, where
we are now and why society has produced a demand for this fast-paced all
day and night culture.
Somewhere sometime between the consumer and producer a disconnect has developed. How did this happen?
Town of Blacksburg: Blacksburg: A special Place for 200 years.
Town of Blacksburg: Blacksburg Restaurant History, 1968-1980.
Charles L. Harper, Bryan F. Le Beau: Food, Society, and Environment.
Andrew F. Smith: The Oxford Companion to American Food and Drink.
Moya Kneasey: Reconnecting Consumers, Producers and Food: Exploring Alternatives.
Market Facts, Inc.: Consumer Attitudes and Behavior in the Foodservice Marketplace.
Special thanks to:
Marco Hernandez
Michelle Berry
Anja H. Bieri
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